Psychometric Tools

Mark is BPS Accredited, and qualified to administer, analyse and use a number of key individual and organisational assessment tools


Qualified to work with individuals, teams, and organisations.

Myers-Briggs is the most popular individual psychometric tool, used in all walks of life.

It is a powerful way to get to know yourself, your colleagues and improve communication ans conflict in any orgabisation.


Qualified to use PCS to measure, develop and improve team and organisational climate.

Performance Climate System measures climate.  The temperature of a team, and the contribution of the leadership to that climate.  It looks at transactional and transformational performance, and drives actions to improve team performance.


Qualified to use the EQi 2.0 tool in individual development, as a self-assessment and/or a 360 tool for coaching and leadership development.

EQi 2.0 provides an analysis of Emotional intelligence through self and 360 assessment of the five areas of EQ:




Decision Making

Stress Management.


Qualified Denison Practioner, able to use the tool to asses, develop and monitor impactful orgabisation-wide culture change.

The Denison Model provides organisations with an easy-to-interpret, business-friendly approach to performance improvement based on sound research.

The survey helps to:

Identify areas of cultural strength and weakness
Troubleshoot points of internal friction
Back up your culture initiative with hard data
Measure your culture improvement over time
Strengthen your business performance
Create a culture that will attract and retain quality talent

Our highly qualified experts are fully accredited and trained

We guarantee fast and discrete handling of all your business tasks, and will resolve any complaints quickly and comprehensively.


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