Creating Leadership 

We create leadership conversations

We work with business and organisation leaders to help them fulfil their potential, their team's potential and their organisation's. 

We do this through creating space for transformational leadership conversations. 

We have over forty years experience at the most senior level in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors

Coaching, Leadership Development, Organisation and Strategy Development, Problem Solving

Are you, your organisation or your people struggling? Are you finding change hard? We’d like to introduce you to Adderley Ltd.  We work with leaders and their teams to enable you to deliver your best.

Let us know how we can help

Getting in touch is the first step, creating time and space for conversations the second.

Our approach
We care passionately about change, about listening well, about understanding people and contexts to build strong relationships that improve performance. Our principles are coaching-led and collaborative. We co-create solutions with you by applying these key principles to our work:

Impact focus: We look at business impact by agreeing measures of success, or desired outcomes, at the outset and measuring these later. 

Individual contributions:  We create an environment where each individual can clearly and honestly share their point of view. Issues can be ‘named’, 'framed' and ‘tamed’.  To change behaviours requires changing the conversations that normally occur between individuals.  

Intervention-light: We co-create interventions, ensure consistency of delivery, and design approaches that are relevant and meaningful. This means meeting with key participants and leaders in advance and providing light touch facilitation.

Intuitive:  As well as interventions being light-touch, the exact path through any session will flex according to the situation.  We understand and are sensitive to issues and provide timely and clear intuitive guidance, based on previous experience.

Insightful: Discussions get beneath the surface ‘positions’ to the underlying issues through coaching discussions. If there are systemic organisational issues that should be tackled, they can be.

Enduring: We will create and facilitate to deliver impact and develop people, organisations and build relationships that endure.

“Leadership is only leadership when you lead others. Others will only be led by you if you engage them through conversation. Conversation is therefore an imperative to leadership!”

Mark Adderley, Director


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